Mold and organic growth in the attic are common problems that we see throughout the Chicagoland area. Most people are not even aware that they have a problem because most do not go into their attic unless they are retrieving Christmas decorations. If unexplained illnesses are frequently happening in your family then you may have a mold and organic growth problem in your attic. We have encountered many families with mild to severe health issues because of what is growing in the attic.
Some of the common health issues with mold and organic growth in the attic include: frequent illness, enhanced allergy symptoms, lung damage, sore throats, headaches, skin rashes, eye irritation, coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, stuffy noses, dizziness, and fatigue.
Unfortunately more people now than ever are having issues with attic mold and growth. This is because people are making their homes more air tight than ever and water vapor is not able to escape as easily. The average household creates 3 gallons of water vapor from showering, cooking, dish washing, etc. You probably already know that water vapor rises from High School science class so this means that every day we are putting approximately 3 gallons of water vapor vapor into our attics as vapor can travel through drywall and insulation. If the attic is not breathing properly then much of this water vapor can get trapped inside in the attic. The attic can become like a living petri dish as a stagnant, humid, and stale attic breeds a build-up of pollutants, mold, and organic growth.
To see if you have a damp or humid attic a quick check is to look at the roofing nails coming through the decking which is typically wood planks, plywood, or oriented strand board. If the nails are rusted and have black spots around the nails then this most likely means that you have moisture in in your attic as roofing nails are galvanized which prevents rusting (this means the nails are typically wet from condensation). The only other reason that the roofing nails in your attic would be rusted would be if you had a water leak on the roof but we most commonly see rusting from condensation and humid attics.

The good news is that most attics can be properly ventilated to eliminate the root cause of mold and organic growth. Spraying the attic with bleach/mold cleaner and/or encapsulating the mold is NOT a permanent solution. Mold will always come back if the root cause of the problem is not addressed.
To combat mold in the attic you need to address 3 things. The intake ventilation, channeling the intake ventilation, and the exhaust.
1. Address the Intake Ventilation with the Soffits
Your soffits may need to get addressed to properly vent your attic to combat mold and organic growth. If the soffit vents are painted then the air intake is constricted, if the wood under the aluminum soffits is not cut then you are not getting any intake, if dirt or insulation is clogging the soffit vents then you have constricted intake, if your soffits in wood or aluminum are solid then you are not getting any air intake either. When we come out for a free assessment we will look at you soffits to see if they are properly vented.

2. Channel the Intake Ventilation into the Attic
Many times the edges of your attic are blocked with insulation. Even if your soffit is cut properly in Step 1, the fresh air cannot get into your attic if it is blocked off with insulation into to the attic. That is why you need to install what is called a block and baffle system. The block prevents loose fill insulation falling into the soffit and a baffle creates a channel for air to flow into your attic from your soffit. When we come out we will look to see if you have any obstructions

3. Exhaust Ventilation
The exhaust ventilation is USELESS if intake is not addressed and channeled into your attic from steps 1 and 2. Exhaust ventilation can be turtle vents, ridge vents, power vents, or a combo of gable vents with one acting as an intake and one as an exhaust. Bathroom fans should also be vented outside through the roof if possible otherwise you are adding more moisture to your attic which again creates mold and organic growth. When we come out for a free assessment we will calculate how much exhaust ventilation is needed for your home and if your bathroom fans are properly ventilated.

Once your attic is breathing properly the mold and organic growth will begin to die off naturally and you will address the root cause of the mold, not the symptom. Call us at 1-630-541-9092 or fill out the form below for a free assessment